Sunday, 30 January 2011

Building a Cheap Dub Siren Part 2

This is my first enclosure design. I'd had a couple of attenpts over the years which generally ended in sadness. I spent a long time looking at the guts of the siren next to the empty enclosure. The tricky thing was making sure the battery and jack socket had room to breathe.

Step 1: Screw in knobs and buttons and solder connecting leads to the board.

 Solder the cables from the  pots, switches and triggers to the board. I've stengthened the join in places with wire and extra solder. Not so neat but very effective.

Tone pots, switches and trigger mounted (from the inside) I had to countersink the drill holes to push enough of the component through to attach the mounting nut.

Step 2: Trim excess from tone pot control with hacksaw and attach control knobs


  1. Hei,

    V. interesting blog....... Great siren, i was just wondering what the second pot on top of the box is for? i understand one is for the tone, but not sure what he second one is for, if you could let me know and where you solderd it into the board that would be great as i have one of these but yours sounds better than mine for sure.......

  2. Hi. Many thanks. This pot adds more control to the pitch and replaces the R3 100k resistor. Its replaced with a 100k linear variable resistor. It makes things very high pitched and great for making timewarp samples. I hope this helps. Peace

  3. Hi there, great blog, im really wanting to build one of these just had a couple of (newbie!) questions:

    Where does the 1/4” Mono Chassis Socket and also the trigger/button solder onto the PCB?

    Many thanks in advance if any one could help?
